Release Notes
Find out which improvements and bug fixes we have implemented in our versions. Please choose between the different areas "i-effect", "MapGui" and "Webcontrol". With the help of the module filter you can filter the release notes according to the modules you use.
Version: 3.1.8 (2025-02-05)
ENDEFFSBS and STREFFSBS now start/end the *SERVER subsystem first/last[BASE]
Internal Maintenance: DB2 function checkRegexExpression replaced by REGEXP_LIKE[BASE]
New system requirement 5770SS1 Option 39[BASE]
Customization of the validation of the XInvoice with regard to parallel processing[BASE]
Correction of the incorrect web control link in the %STATUS% e-mail.[SERVER]
F4 display in i‑effect® commands does not work[BASE]
Incorrect long text of message GZI0657. The sender name appears instead of the partner name[BASE]
Fix too many quota checks on large files[FTP]
Internal optimization for reading the source data with SNDFTP[FTP]
STREFREORG improvements[BASE]
Media files were tried to be indexed[BASE]
CPE3025 No path or no library with this name. when calling SNDFILE with a single file[BASE]
Error when considering alternative sender/recipient definitions in SNDFILE[BASE]
Module configuration for encryption was not used[EMAIL]
Version: 3.1.7 (2024-10-21)
Ready for IBM i 7.3[BASE]
"forcenamespace" can be used again[XML]
New Service-API function: XInvoice visualisation[BASE]
Removal of all database tables for ZUGFeRD 1.0[BASE]
IEF9890 File not registered[BASE]
CPF3C53 Job not found, the call to endSession() was terminated incorrectly.[BASE]
Error with alternative FTPS fixed[BASE]
Validation program not initiated for command call with qualified library name[BASE]
Errors occurred when editing *MONITOR[BASE]
Version: 3.1.5 (2024-08-16)
Bugfix: Use of thousands separator[CSV]
Length of database field HTGBURID increased to 100[BASE]
SQL0518 if a server task should move the input file with *MOVE following an SNDFTP session.[BASE]
Bugfix: Error when writing the XInvoice check report[BASE]
Adjustment of the value for ZF2INVHT.HTSPPID[BASE]
Version: 3.1.4 (2024-07-12)
The field User-ID under Authentications has been increased to 100 characters[HTTP]
Host keys with the ECDSA and EDDSA algorithms are rejected[FTP]
Error in SNDFILE "Result of the statement contains more than one line"[BASE]
Message is closed too early by the mapper[FLATPLUS]
HTTP server searches for send profile in partner profile[HTTP]
Server task *SCHEDULE is not executed[SERVER]
Version: 3.1.3 (2024-06-14)
Alternative FTPS protocol not used although Profile was set to '*YES'[FTP]
Update the JSCH library for the SFTP client[FTP]
Update the Mina SSHD library for the SFTP server[FTP]
SFTP server - quota warning at 75%[FTP]
FTP communication is displayed in WebControl[FTP] does not delete the APP and DB libraries during an IASP installation[BASE]
Call of ends with error[BASE]
Bugfix: Correct indexes are found for sending ZUGFeRD PDFs with SNDFILE[BASE]
Messages in the logbook despite deactivation of the detailed recording of activities[BASE]
Creation of the class path fails during installation in IASP[BASE]
Special characters in the file or path name (e.g. @) were not transferred correctly to a server task[BASE]
Datamatrix barcodes missing in created PDF file[BASE]
%STATUS% as special value for parameter MSGTEXT in SNDEMAIL does not work with workflow type *MSGID, *REGEX, *SQL [BASE]
Version: 3.1.2 (2024-04-05)
Performance optimization in Webcontrol displays for input and output. Improved full text search[BASE]
Duplicate records in the display of the communication input and communication output[BASE]
New API call for writing logbook entries[BASE]
Update of Apache Tomcat to 9.0.85[BASE]
XRechnung: increase field HTZGPCID to 35 characters[BASE]
API calls to i‑effect®service are always redirected to HTTPS[BASE]
Files received via RCVFTP are lost[BASE]
Sent files do not appear in the communication output[BASE]
Correction of the positioning "Start of list at" in the "Work with partner master" display[BASE]
Module recognition of TRADACOMS in the file parser does not work[BASE]
No abort message for conversion without input data[TRADACOMS]
XInvoice version 3.0.1 available[BASE]
Preferred communication profile per sender[AS4]
Improved monitor display performance[BASE]
If many *SCHEDULE tasks are defined with 1min, jobs are not started[BASE]
RetrieveFileTimeStamps() beim RCVFTP, Datei wird trotzdem auf dem Server gelöscht.a[FTP]
Search field "Start of list at" in the "Work with profiles" display without function.[BASE]
Trigger operation not successful when trying to move i‑effect® to IASP with[BASE]
Message "Cursor FETCHS8 already open" when using PRCFWD[BASE]
List too large for user address area (user space) IEFFJOBLOG[BASE]
License error message for multiple calls of RCVFTP[SERVER]
%SQLLOOKUP:% incorrect for SQL statements > 80 bytes[BASE]
Bug fixed where Java 32 bit and 64 bit were required[INSTALLER]
Import of certificate chains possible[BASE]
Cryptic error messages appear in the logbook if two RCVFTP calls are made in succession[BASE]
Version: 3.1.1 (2023-11-17)
New *AS4 module ( BDEW profile for the energy industry )[AS4]
Performance improvement when ending sessions[BASE]
Incorrect information in the partner overview[BASE]
Conversion to HTTPS[BASE]
New API call for creating a new session[BASE]
Hiding the PHP version when calling curl -skiL.[BASE]
With --mode repairdb exit points and JOBD/JOBQ/SBSD are not corrected[BASE]
IEF9994, AddArcIndex() error, VORGANGID=0, AddRegisteredFileArchiveIndex() [BASE]
SQL0811 in the logbook at STRSRVTSK Jobs[BASE]
*JRNRCV Objects do not have to be saved as well[BASE]
Library descriptions missing[BASE]
Special value *JOB.PROCESSID for mappings x to DB returns -1[MAPPER]
Incorrect rights to the .ssh directory after installation.[BASE]
Faulty php.conf php.ini after upgrade from 2.x/3.x[BASE]
Abort installation with /usr/bin/printenv: illegal option -- s[BASE]
Aborting an upgrade installation when migrating SL_XLSCEL if feature 5051 is not installed[BASE]
Port number is missing when establishing an alternative FTPS connection[FTP]
Wrong JOBQ entries in subsystems after renaming the SYSBAS library[BASE]
SNDEMAIL fails with "duplicate key value"[EMAIL] --mode repairdb korrigiert keine Bibliotheksbeschreibungen[BASE]
Cancellation of the installation when called up again after canceling[BASE] --recreateexitpoints /tmp/2mebeff/scripts/ beendet mit Status 12[BASE]
Version: 3.0.10 (2023-07-24)
New version XInvoice 2.3.1[ZUGFERD]
Performance in the DB module improved[BASE]
Complete replacement of the database connections[BASE]
Function key F22 in the program "Work with server entries" does not work[SERVER]
Adaptation of the fileparser definitions[BASE]
Incomplete error message[INSTALLER]
Adopting changed JOBQ configuration during update/upgrade[INSTALLER]
IEF9994 RetrieveFileTimeStamps() error: in MRGPDF[BASE]
%SQL_LOOKUP:% in server with % variables[SERVER]
Adjustment of the XInvoice mapping for zero values[BASE]
Error in negative MDN fixed[AS2]
Incorrect display of umlauts with JOB CCSID 500[BASE]
Version: 3.0.9 (2023-05-12)
Improved error message in case of duplicate and missing UNB[EDIFACT]
Updated AIX tools repository[BASE]
Data transfer for module *SPOOLMAPS (5012) and *DB2MAPS (5051) incomplete[BASE]
Redesign of the job constants[MAPPER]
Missing logbook details after transfer from 2.7[BASE]
Version: 3.0.8 (2023-04-24)
Recovery fails[BASE]
Consideration of alternative senders/recipients in PRCFWD[BASE]
Installation aborts when QCCSID=65535[BASE]
*SERVICE subsystem locks generated XInvoice[BASE]
Functionalities acted on the wrong KeyStore[BASE]
KeyStore not transferred correctly[BASE]
Upgrade installation fails[BASE]
Version: 3.0.7 (2023-03-15)
Support for IBM i OS 7.5[INSTALLER]
Failures after deleting a certificate[BASE]
No abort if the WebControl subsystem cannot be started.[INSTALLER]
Bugfix at key import with own password[BASE]
SNDEMAIL via server always interprets MSGTEXT as path[SERVER]
Version: 3.0.6 (2023-02-07)
*FTP module: slow processing[FTP]
*FTP module RCVFTP with partner: remove temporary working directories[FTP]
Installation does not abort despite error[INSTALLER]
Error "SSL protocol must be set" if no profile specified[FTP]
Timeout value is taken incorrect[FTP]
Version: 3.0.4 (2022-12-16)
CPF37C2: No authorization to use DFRID.[BASE]
Performance improvement at subsystem startup[BASE]
Installation aborts. db2util not found[BASE]
Bind i‑effect® session to SSH session instead of SFTP system in SFTP server[FTP]
Password required for user IEFFECT[BASE]
Version: 3.0.3 (2022-11-18)
Check system requirements for console installation[BASE]
Abbruch bei Installation via Script[BASE]
Fixed system requirements for DB2[BASE]
IEF9997 - Can not retrieve unique sequence, SQLCOD=-518[BASE]
Floating point numbers are not written[TRADACOMS]
Version: 3.0.2 (2022-11-11)
Added OAUTH2 functionality for Outlook 365[EMAIL]
New module *JSON is available for the mapper[BASE]
CPA7025 during installation[INSTALLER]
CPF3840 when upgrading an IASP installation[INSTALLER]
i‑effect® WebControl link does not adjust during update/upgrade[BASE]
CPF3204 during update or upgrade[INSTALLER]
Additional entry lost due to unreadable alias in the keystore[BASE]
Webcontrol not accessible after upgrade to 3.0.x[BASE]
Version: 3.0.1 (2022-10-12)
Installation aborts when started manually with relative pathname.[BASE]
Secondary language 2929 of i‑effect® is lost when upgrading from 2.7 to 3.0[BASE]
Missing data transfer of the mapper configuration during UPGRADE installation[BASE]
Keystore name and password missing after upgrade from 2.7[BASE]
Version: 3.0.0 (2022-09-21)
Standard job queue entry in EFFSERVER with MAXACT(1)[BASE]
IEF9892 at *NEW installation[BASE]
Outdated report templates removed[BASE]
Login attempts for SFTP server reduced[FTP]
Extension of the database field TITAXFTC from the ZUGFeRD table ZF2INVTI[ZUGFERD]
New version XInvoice and ZUGFeRD 2.2.0[MAPPER]
Default permissions for FTP users[FTP]
HTGBYREF for route ID adjusted and decimal places of ACTACBA shortened[DB]
Blocking the creation of links and most attribute changes to files[FTP]
SSL version configurable / TLS 1.3 support[BASE]
Library SFTP server updated[FTP]
Disable client renegotiation for servers using TLS[BASE]
Bruteforce protection SFTP and FTP Server[FTP]
Field description of HTSTATE from ZF2INVHT was adjusted[DB]
Configure SFTP Hostkeys[FTP]
Warning message when 75% quota is reached[BASE]
Faulty MDN processing[BASE]
Memory leak during receiving fixed[FTP]
Server processing, resolution EDI server variables incorrect.[BASE]
Users with quota > 2 GB can no longer be used[FTP]
*NEW installation aborts on creation of procedure ieffect_registerFileBase[BASE]
FTP client timeouts defined[FTP]
Error "Wrong secondary language option NONE in parameter --secondary_language" on upgrade 2.8->3.0[BASE]
Anonymous could not be limited to *NOMAX[FTP]
Version: 2.9.17 (2022-06-20)
New email templates for workflow notification[BASE]
Disable file indexing for large files[BASE]
Upgrade fails with "CPF2167: Cannot delete library IEFF28024 in library list."[INSTALLER]
Fixed possible error when navigating back from the system check[INSTALLER]
Missing index values in the filter[BASE]
Writing line breaks in XML[XML]
Fixed mapper error message[MAPPER]
Installation aborts with "mktemp: command not found"[BASE]
Version: 2.9.16 (2022-04-14)
Acceptance of SSL certificates during installation[BASE]
Adopt customer-specific SSL configuration during update[INSTALLER]
Receiving asynchronous MDN without associated send session receives *DIAG status.[AS2]
Fix: SQL for partner change[X12]
Special variable JOB.PROCESSID returns wrong ID[MAPPER]
Fix: File rename after SFTP transfer[FTP]
Fix: Mapper task replaceAll[MAPPER]
All S-END mappings from the service directory no longer lead to termination[EDIFACT]
Version: 2.9.15 (2022-03-07)
Update of the XInvoice Validator[BASE]
Login to FTP server improved[FTP]
Duplicate entries in the document input/output[BASE]
WebControl performance improvement[BASE]
Update english translation[BASE]
Version: 2.9.14 (2022-01-31)
Error notification via Sever *ERROR workflow is improved.[BASE]
Upgrade from 2.7 to 2.9 fails during backup[INSTALLER]
Configuration data is not taken over when upgrading from 2.8[INSTALLER]
*MONITOR data selection setting *OMIT does not work[SERVER]
STROFTP2 returns OK although session is set to ERROR when testing connection without file[OFTP2]
Version: 2.9.13 (2021-12-08)
Improvement in restoring i‑effect®[INSTALLER]
Aborting the upgrade installation with two languages[INSTALLER]
Version: 2.9.12 (2021-12-02)
QSH Prompt when using i‑effect® commands in an interactive session.[BASE]
Refactoring SQL functions and SQL procedures to improve performance[BASE]
Length for specification of parameter DBUSER/password in command RUNREPORT extended[REPORT]
Support more CCSIDs like 5348 in FileParser[BASE]
Version: 2.9.11 (2021-11-12)
New Service API function for setting the archive status[BASE]
Target file wrong permission[MAPPER]
SNDFILE FTP error handling fixed, EDI file handling improved.[BASE]
Task 'jdbcSqlUpdate' aborts with error message "SQL Server supports the holdability property only at connection level. Use the connection.setHoldability() method."[MAPPER]
Fix english error message EDI0104[EDIFACT]
WebControl does not work after upgrade[BASE]
Version: 2.9.10 (2021-10-05)
Improved performance of document input and output view[BASE]
SNDFILE RECIPIENT(*FRMFILE) usable for all document types that are indexed[BASE]
Start previous web control automatically after rollback of installation[BASE]
ZUGFeRD and XRechnung files in the same process[MAPPER]
FileParser performance improved in *SERVER[BASE]
SNDFILE FTP destination path can now be defined in the partner master data[BASE]
Set message ID for SYSOPR messages[BASE]
SQL optimization when inserting records into VORADDINDEX[BASE]
Changes to PUB files are not recognised[BASE]
Many messages in QSYSOPR MSGQ "Grace period expired. The requesting user was not added." [FTP]
Improve table loading for Mapper *AUTO[MAPPER]
New communication possibilities integrated for PRCFWD.[BASE]
SNDFILE new communication capabilities integrated.[BASE]
SITZUNG or AKTION of the type *FILE not found in IEFFECT[CSV]
UNB counter reset after restart[EDIFACT]
EFFSERVER job aborts with CEE0813 error message: "Not enough memory available to fulfill request".[SERVER]
PRCFWD Destination *IFS path is not used. File ends up in '/'[BASE]
Version: 2.9.6 (2021-08-03)
Processing for receiving and assigning asynchronous MDNs changed[AS2]
PRCFWD Performance Optimization[BASE]
Wrong keys in VORADDINDEX[FTP]
EFFSERVER aborts with CEE0813 in function getSysEnvVariableValue[SERVER]
Error when the quotient is a periodic number[MAPPER]
PRCFWD does not find rules[BASE]
Bugfix of the mappertask removeAll[MAPPER]
Performance with multiple calls to CVTSPL...[BASE]
Directories /home/qsecofr/error|archiv|output in wrong directory[INSTALLER]
Error with blocked files when several Monitors monitor the same folder[BASE]
Error while copying the files[INSTALLER]
FileParser call in IFS Monitor occurs after report of monitored file and can lead to error if file was already removed by processing.[SERVER]
Version: 2.9.5 (2021-07-02)
Upgrade installation aborts with: Duplicate key value[BASE]
Wrong owner of /home after installing an update[BASE]
Mapper does not recognise file change[BASE] HEAP Space defaults in parameter -Xmx were not taken into account[BASE]
Update fails if an old Webcontrol update folder exists[INSTALLER]
Error when displaying partner logbook in WebControl[BASE]
List of forwarding destinations contains too many spaces[BASE]
SQL error in task "getProcessId" because table VORADDINF is searched in wrong library.[MAPPER]
Installation aborts if SystemReplylist entry 4711 exists[BASE]
Version: 2.9.4 (2021-06-23)
Server response always as INFO in the logbook[FTP]
New task: addFileIndex[MAPPER]
Length change of database field for free text qualifier[DB]
Backup hangs when upgrading from 2.7 to 2.9[BASE]
Exit points still present after uninstalling i‑effect®[BASE]
*REPORT subsystem does not start[BASE]
Version: 2.9.3 (2021-06-09)
Use multiple SFTP hostkeys[FTP]
Error 'setccsid: command not found' when using[BASE]
STRJRNPF reports 'File already recorded' when moving to IASP with Error 'setccsid: command not found' when using[BASE]
When installing i‑effect® 2.9 under IBM i 7.2, the installation aborts *** Error in /tmp/2mebeff/scripts/[BASE]
Missing JAR files on the classpath[MAPPER]
Mapper moves input file before indexing[MAPPER]
Version: 2.9.2 (2021-05-28)
JOBQ library and SBSD settings not changed when moving SYSBAS library[BASE]
Wrong directory /home/i-effect/WEBCTRL/htdocs/data/command[INSTALLER]
Subsystems don't start in an IASP installation[BASE]
NullPointerException fixed when indexing[BASE] External program IEFSRV not found in IEFFECT29.[BASE]
Erroneous environment variable IEFFECT_V2R9M0_IFSPATH and IEFFECT_V2R9M0_USER_HOME[BASE] mkdir: kann Verzeichnis '/home/ieffect' nicht erstellen: Datei existiert[INSTALLER]
Version: 2.9.1 (2021-05-19)
New runtime priority for i‑effect® subsystemjobs[BASE]
New table for index values from file[BASE]
Renamed configuration file for internal logging[BASE]
Indexing files via a monitor[SERVER]
i‑effect® web interface immediately available after installation[INSTALLER]
Log file for CPYIFS2SPL[BASE]
New feature in WRKEFFLOG dialog: *HIDE / *DISPLAY *IDLE sessions.[BASE]
New COMMAND: option in RPLSTRIFS command[BASE]
Chrome reports for WebControl: "This is not a secure connection".[INSTALLER]
Faster lock query in installer[INSTALLER]
Several validator versions can now be used for the XInvoice[MAPPER]
Message at system operator if subsystem startup fails[BASE]
Update liquibase database manager to 4.3.4[DB]
Server marks idle session[FTP]
Automatic creation of the output folder structure for ZUGFeRD mappings[ZUGFERD]
Provide certificate for WebControl HTTPS in installation[INSTALLER]
Automatic search for index values in registered files[BASE]
Configuration file 'indexconfiguration.xml' removed from module directories[AS2]
Default CCSID for received files[AS2]
Bugfix: Notification for expiring certificates in IFS Keystore[BASE]
Abort e-mail receive if file attachment name is UTF-8 encoded[EMAIL]
Server *SCHEDULE RNX0112 Date, time or timestamp value is invalid. [SERVER]
Bugfix: Renaming certificates in p7b format [BASE]
Error message when extracting and *PUBLIC permission[ZIP]
SNDFILE Partner determination at ZugFerd corrected for GLN or INTERNAL [ZUGFERD]
Server: improved file registration when using the *MOVE option[SERVER]
Error in tasks toPositive and toNegative with numbers around 0[MAPPER]
Bugfix: Jobs not ending after XInvoice validation[BASE]
SFTP Hostkey is no longer saved as PEM[FTP]
Improved Performance when starting subsystems[BASE]
Task 'getDecimal' returns 0 instead of running on error for when string argument is empty[MAPPER]
Error when saving in QSYS.LIB if the IASP name and the corresponding DB2 catalog name are different[BASE]
Version: 2.8.13 (2021-02-24)
i‑effect® manual improved to explain the use of server variables[SERVER]
When upgrading 2.7 to 2.8 not all data is transferred[INSTALLER]
STREFREORG - Violation of the referential integrity constraint[BASE]
SQL error "Null values not allowed for column or variable PCDHDRPATH"[AS2]
Version: 2.8.12 (2021-01-21)
Update of the ZUGFeRD and XInvoice database table[BASE]
Update PHP 7.3.25[INSTALLER]
Added missing indexes[BASE]
Menu 52, WRKASCPRF dialog, significant performance improvement.[BASE]
Updating the ODBC driver to version[BASE]
Errors in file registration when retrieving file information no longer cause processing to abort.[BASE]
New standard font for ZUGFeRD templates[ZUGFERD]
SFTP server writes information about cipher into log[FTP]
STREFREORG Added the reorganization of log files of more modules[BASE]
Mapping for incoming XInvoice available in UBL format[MAPPER]
CPF2102 when using RTVSPLDTA[SPOOL]
Improved transfer of KNOWNSFID and PPAUTH in spite of incorrect Key Contraints[INSTALLER]
Long running TCP/IP socket connections of the modules with "close-wait" status[BASE]
Updated mapping for outgoing XInvoice in UBL format[BASE]
Server now archives files[FTP]
JDBC SQL tasks do not resolve variables[MAPPER]
IFS CertificateManager no longer receives notifications when changes occur in the monitored directory[BASE]
Delays in sessions with connection pooling enabled[BASE]
File registration in IFS Keystore[BASE]
Performance improvement when starting JAVA processes[BASE]
*SERVER *SPOOL / data selection feature *COPY/*MOVE doesn't work.[SERVER]
Some script calls did not cause termination[INSTALLER]
CPYIFS2SPL failed with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.menten.ieffect.iSeries.CopyIFS2Spool"[BASE]
/i-effect/V2R8M0/WEBCTRL: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.[BASE]
Files in /home/ieffect/internal with wrong permissions[BASE]
Missing message ID IEF9600 added[BASE] line 108: A file or directory of the pathname does not exist. [BASE]
When using the CVTSPL command with the parameter setting FS(*DB2) an empty DB2 table is created, processing is aborted.[BASE]
i‑effect® logbook dialog, menu item 81: Special handling for logbook entries with processing type *MONITOR and monitor type *GROUP[BASE]
No rollback for successfully processed data sets[MAPPER]
Files via server not visible in document inbox or outbox[FTP]
Version: 2.8.10 (2020-11-16)
New field IFSDEFQTA in *BASE (MODCFG) for general IFS quota[BASE]
SNDFILE does not find partners for XRECHNUNG with different database names[BASE]
STREFREORG cannot reorganize IFS files without extensions and with spaces within the file name.[BASE]
An unencrypted and unsigned message was not rejected although it was defined as required in the AS2 partner setting.[AS2]
Quota incorrectly calculated when directories overlap[FTP]
Version: 2.8.8 (2020-11-04)
STREFREORG cannot reorganize IFS files without extensions and with spaces within the file name.[BASE]
New field IFSDEFQTA in *BASE (MODCFG) for general IFS quota[BASE]
SNDFILE does not find partners for XRECHNUNG with different database names[BASE]
Subsystems do not start after a *NEW installation[BASE]
Can not delete partner[BASE]
An unencrypted and unsigned message was not rejected although it was defined as required in the AS2 partner setting.[AS2]
Quota incorrectly calculated when directories overlap[FTP]
Version: 2.8.7 (2020-10-30)
Error in task getInteger with format X.000[MAPPER]
Changed length check in RCVEMAIL for inline text because Html content might not be saved[EMAIL]
Default paths are reset at *NEW and *UPGRADE installation[BASE]
Specify private key for authentication as alias[FTP]
Management of private keys in the directory-based keystore possible[BASE]
Field size for alias in keystore equalized[BASE]
Management of public keys in the directory-based keystore possible[BASE]
OFTP2 supports protocol version 1.x again[OFTP2]
STREFREORG LOG(*ALL) resets the logbook session number to 1.[BASE]
STREFREORG terminates if the user does not have the permissions *ALLOBJ, *SECADM and *JOBCTL[BASE]
Path for receive data was not loaded correctly if 'Test=*YES' was defined for partner entry[AS2]
CVTXLDBF OUTPUTFMT(*GENERIC) Error message MCH3401 Resolution to object MEBSRV not possible.[DB2MAPS]
Support of Public Keys[FTP]
CPD0078: Value '*CURRENT ' as name for parameter INLASPGRP invalid when calling --mode switch[BASE]
WRKPRTX12 error message when creating a partner entry.[BASE]
Improved repair mode (repairdb) in [BASE]
Logfile on ROLLBACK in the installer overwrites existing logfile[BASE]
Installation aborts if database is renamed[BASE]
Problems during *UPGRADE if primary language is not 2924 or 2929[INSTALLER]
Fixed error after task resetAllVariables[MAPPER]
Errors in installation do not lead to rollback[INSTALLER]
Quota check revised[FTP]
AS2 sending with asynch. MDN remains at status *WAIT although MDN was successfully received.[AS2]
Fixed an error when reading a password[BASE]
The CRTSQLIND(*YES) setting of the STREFREORG command does not work.[BASE]
CVTSPLXL aborts with error message CPF2102 (Object type and subtype code '0000'X not valid.)[SPOOLMAPS]
STREFFSBS *ALL aborts by the license check of unlicensed modules[BASE]
*SPOOLMAPS ADDRPTXMLE aborts with error message RNX0115 (variable length variable length is out of range)[SPOOLMAPS]
Tasks are not found by the mapper[MAPPER]
Installer Rollback takes too long[BASE]
IFS based keystore - error in handling mixed-case names for files and aliases.[BASE]
Invalid link to WebControl session in %STATUS% Email[BASE]
Version: 2.8.6 (2020-10-01)
Note IASP for V7R2M0 not supported[INSTALLER]
The command DSPPDF has been removed[BASE]
qsh: command not found when calling[BASE]
New REST-API function to start a server task[BASE]
"bad SQL grammar" Exception in service function call getSessionsActivitiesMessage[BASE]
Improved permission check for SFTP and FTP server[BASE]
Corrected exitpoint entries[BASE]
Environment variable IEFFECT_V2R8M0_LNGSCHEMA on upgrade[BASE]
Error in validation program of *ZIP commands after SETASPGRP IASP[BASE]
STREFREORG brings error message CPD018C Path name is invalid.[BASE]
User is asked several times if there is no internet connection[INSTALLER]
No automatic starting of subsystems during installation[BASE]
SFTP server permissions in folder[FTP]
STREFREORG *MAPPER and *ZUGFERD archive files are not reorganized.[BASE]
MRGPDF bug fix[BASE]
New WebControl link[INSTALLER]
Version: 2.8.5 (2020-09-04)
Backup of i‑effect® during update/upgrade[BASE]
Installer shows system name[INSTALLER]
License error message now contains the module name[BASE]
Message CPI2121 in the i‑effect® joblog.[BASE]
Database log is written under /home/ieffect/internal[INSTALLER]
WebControl does not need ZendServer anymore[BASE]
Database description for XRechnung[ZUGFERD]
Added missing example source for using the SERVICEAPI *SRVPGM interface[BASE]
Simplification of the ZUGFeRD keys[ZUGFERD]
Connection attempts within OFTP2 reduced[OFTP2]
With i‑effect® RPLSTRIFS command it is now possible to process larger files.[BASE]
Implementation of *SFTP and *FTPS communication profiles in SNDFILE command[FTP]
JVM Client is now controlled by the new environment variable IEFFECT_V2R8M0_JVMCLIENT[BASE]
SFTP Client Key can now also be defined in the communication profile[FTP]
New script to restore i‑effect® to the state before installation[BASE]
In SNDEMAIL command finished .eml files can now be specified for send.[EMAIL]
New characteristics in the partner master data[BASE]
Default value for archiving in AS2 module configuration changed.[BASE]
SNDAS2 command validation improvements[AS2]
STREFREORG performance improvement for archiving IFS files[BASE]
Automatic recognition of sender and recipient in SNDFILE for XRECHNUNG/ZUGFERD[BASE]
Import license file within installer[INSTALLER]
Parameter i‑effect® application server (EFFSERVER) removed[BASE]
Resource leak in SQL tasks fixed[MAPPER]
Data migration error during *UPGRADE[BASE]
Greatly reduced number of CPF2103 error messages in QSQSRVR joblog[BASE]
Installation on systems with unsupported primary language Improvement[INSTALLER]
Fixed bug with CSV data types[CSV]
Remove old environment variables on upgrade[INSTALLER]
EFF0100 on non licensed module[BASE]
New default setting *YES for server data selection "Delete after processing" [SERVER]
Fixed a bug where text was replaced that is not a variable[MAPPER]
Version: 2.8.3 (2020-07-23)
CPD0078 im Installer Log[INSTALLER]
Data migration error on *UPGRADE[INSTALLER]
New output formats for RUNREPORT[REPORT]
MRGFILEPDF now supports JSON files[BASE]
Version: 2.8.2 (2020-07-08)
Added indication that locks are being checked[INSTALLER]
If the quota is exceeded, files may remain[FTP]
Installer blocks installation if rollback was not successful[INSTALLER]
Re-enable download and offline options[INSTALLER]
Stop subsystems from installer[INSTALLER]
Allow connection ID in SQL tasks[MAPPER]
Text for message GZI0632 in MESSAGE file not available[ZIP]
Mapper truncates following 0 for integers[MAPPER]
Path for attachment/text in partner master data swapped after data import[BASE]
Server variables can now be triggered nested.[SERVER]
Fixed a bug parsing the definition[FLATPLUS]
Run again fails if command has more than 256 characters[BASE]
Incorrect transfer of settings from the old version[BASE]
Users cannot log in to WebControl[BASE]
Default Maximum number of 10 jobs in *SERVER starts only 9 jobs[SERVER]
Error in automatic mapping recognition corrected[BASE]
Transfer partner master fails if EDIPRT.CRYPADALG is not filled[BASE]
Old tables not removed when upgrading from 2.7 -> 2.8[BASE]
CPF6A98 in dialog programs when using the search list[BASE]
SNDFILE *CMD contained an incorrect object description[BASE]
RUNMAP *CMD contained an incorrect object description[MAPPER]
Fixed a bug with resolving variables in SQL tasks[MAPPER]
Data import error on null values in *EDIFACT partner master data[BASE]
Version: 2.8.1 (2020-06-10)
Missing subsystem descriptions *SBSD for *AS2 and *OCSP after upgrade installation[AS2]
Valid token of the Service REST API was not accepted[BASE]
Version: 2.8.0 (2020-05-18)
Configuration files moved to home[BASE]
*SERVER Module server job processing improvement[SERVER]
New tasks to calculate and verify check digits[MAPPER]
New special values for tasks with timestamp[MAPPER]
New parameter in AS2 partner settings "Subject for file name"[BASE]
All i‑effect® log files are now in directory /home/ieffect/internal[BASE]
Standartisation of i‑effect® input, output, archive and other paths. New parameter in STREFREORG command.[EMAIL]
Order of SSL CipherSuites changed, CipherSuites based on elliptical curves are preferred[AS2]
New task IndexOfCount()[MAPPER]
Task getDecimal (formerly getDouble) now supports thousand separators[MAPPER]
Service API Bugfix[BASE]
i‑effect® JOBDs default changed[BASE]
Partner data is stored temporarily[EDIFACT]
FTP user linked to master data[FTP]
WebControl Link defaults to https://[INSTALLER]
A list can now be specified in task resetVar[MAPPER]
i‑effect® version information including date/time[BASE]
Special vallue *IEFFECT was removed from command STREFFSBS and ENDEFFSBS[BASE]
The version information has been removed from the server status page (web server banner)[HTTP]
Remove value "Type of call" from parameter EFFSERVER in all commands.[BASE]
IFS Quota - Define the maximum allowed storage space consumption in the defined partner directories[AS2]
New AS2 partner settings define whether incoming messages must be encrypted and signed.[AS2]
Temporary files are created under /home/ieffect or in the internal[AS2]
Test mode for AS2 servers and in AS2 partner settings[AS2]
Update of FTP- and SFTPServer[FTP]
Reduced number of jobs/sessions with new *MONITOR type *GROUP (monitorgroup)[SERVER]
IEFFECT *USRPRF without password [BASE]
Disable TLS renegotiation[OFTP2]
Error when using the system CCSID[EDIFACT]
*FAX module and dependent objects was removed[BASE]
Performance improvement in the installer[INSTALLER]
*OFTP module will be not supported any more.[OFTP]
New file /home/ieffect/ [BASE]
New encryption algorithm for i‑effect® passwords[BASE]
Repeat transmission of a file/message with the same message ID[AS2]
Omission of the *TELEBOX module settings[TELEBOX]
New task AddDebugMessage()[MAPPER]
Administration and use of certificates and key pairs in IFS[BASE]
Splitting internal log files every 100MB[AS2]
Module 31 and 42 are not removed during an upgrade installation[BASE]
Signature not visible if not selected[CRYPT]
Updated tomcat from 9.0.0M2 to 9.0.33 due 'Ghostcat' vulnerability [CVE-2020-1938][BASE]
Missing quotation marks for value of content-type 'name' parameter[EMAIL]
Error when using the system CCSID[TRADACOMS]
Message "Directory not registered" after interrupted installation[BASE]
STRGZIP command is repeated if JVM is not reachable[BASE]
Database connection for tasks is tried 3 times [MAPPER]
RCVEMAIL Error in decoding file names resulted in truncated names when saved in IFS[EMAIL]
XSD file names may also contain spaces[XML]
New special variable SQLCODE[MAPPER]
Session remains on *ACTIVE[MAPPER]
Version: 2.7.64 (2020-01-31)
The password of the IEFFECT user is no longer automatically reset during an update / upgrade installation.[INSTALLER]
FTP and other native modules: Process logging improved[FTP]
*BASE SNDFILE command, improved error handling [BASE]
Display of the correct line of an error during validation[XML]
*SERVER module: new %UNB_TEST% server variable[BASE]
WebControl 3.27.58[WEBCTRL]
*SERVER module: Variable %STATUS% not resolved incorrectly when *EMAIL module default *PLAIN is used[SERVER]
Server Workflow with %STATUS% Variable: WebControl Link is not transferred.[SERVER]
Version: 2.7.63 (2019-11-07)
Many IEFFECT QPWFSERVSO Jobs in QSERVER Subsystem / Increased file I/O system utilization[AS2]
RCVFTP termination status *OK although the files could not be deleted from the server[FTP]
Installer: during update installation index_configuration.xml files will be overwritten.[INSTALLER]
ZUGFeRD 2.0 is now supported[ZUGFERD]
The client processes (parses) server response too strict[FTP]
User administration without restart[FTP]
Password for OFTP2 keystore not set in module configuration[OFTP2]
New server variable %servertaskid% and use of variables in data selection[SERVER]
New Mapper Task 'getBase64Encoded'[MAPPER]
DB module automatically quotes all field names in INSERT statement[DB]
No condition for SG-END and S-END possible[EDIFACT]
Error with *DEFAULT in task "newST"[X12]
Error when using the system CCSID[X12]
Error if STANDARD is not used as ENVELOPE[X12]
The job descriptions EFFOFTP2CLT and EFFOFTP2SRV contain the wrong *JOBQ [OFTP2]
WRKASCPRF Dialog F4 Prompt at "MDN server profile" does not work.[BASE]
No logbook entries were created[FTP]
Version: 2.7.62 (2019-08-16)
Gateway writes partner aliases to operation tracking[OFTP2]
Hide TSL import error[OFTP2]
New parameter DELETE in SNDEMAIL command to delete input file(s) after transmission[EMAIL]
Environment variable IEFFECT_V2R7M0_WEBCONTROL_LINK is not created during *NEW installation.[BASE]
Fixed a bug when validating self-signed certificates[OFTP2]
Folder "unpack" for certificates cannot unpack folder[CRYPT]
SFTP client timeout improved[FTP]
Version: 2.7.61 (2019-07-12)
Release of i‑effect® 2.7.61 for a new installation of IBM 7.4[WEBCTRL]
Improved check if a file is in use (*MONITOR)[SERVER]
Duplicate certificates in the notification email if the same keystore was used.[BASE]
Error message regarding index_configuration.xml in the internal log[OFTP2]
When the connection is established, the address of the remote system is displayed[OFTP2]
Error unpacking DB2 files when ZIP was created on system with different CCSID[ZIP]
Command validation for i‑effect® communication commands improved. [BASE]
Removed HTTP/S trust list logic for succesfully authenticated clients[HTTP]
*FTP module: Validation for input / output parameters included in RCVFTP command.[FTP]
New Mapper Function 'resetAllVariables'[MAPPER]
Error with UPDATE/SQLWarning for invalid/erroneous HTTP requests[HTTP]
New parameter SFTPCLTKEY (Client Key) in SNDFTP and RCVFTP commands[FTP]
Lock on table SESSION causes exception and leads to consumption of all Jdbc pool connections[AS2]
*DBEXPORT CVTDBFXML and CVTDBFPDF commands create duplicate files[BASE]
Use SSL Client Authentication automatically[OFTP2]
Error "Double Primary" when writing index values in table VORADDINF[BASE]
RCVFTP aborts when renaming[FTP]
*SERVER module: %SQL_LOOKUP% Nested variable definitions and other improvements.[SERVER]
PRCFWD forwarding rule / process logging SQL queries improved[BASE]
Server overwrites negotiated values with partner settings[BASE]
*SERVER subsystem terminates after error message[SERVER]
Rule-based forwarding, PRCFWD command. Error writing in FORWARDLOG.[BASE]
Error with daily new destination folder[MAPPER]
Menu item 54, existing entries cannot be edited / displayed in environment with CCSID 65535[BASE]
SNDEMAIL MSGTEXT(*NONE) Error message "JAV0006 Error occurred during mail processing"[EMAIL]
Error in handling MDN with disposition 'warning' causes attachment file not to be removed[AS2]
FTP module: SNDFTP command validation improved. [FTP]
The XML module does not initialize at mapping start[XML]
Query of attributes in repeating elements returns wrong result[XML]
Version: 2.7.60 (2019-04-11)
Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.58[BASE]
*BASE command RPLSTRIFS performance improvement[BASE]
New parameter to support TLS session resumption[FTP]
Limit file size for Mapper internal log files and split 100MB each.[MAPPER]
File 'preferences.xml' empty after error when loading the file.[DB]
Call display Data exchange reference too slow.[BASE]
Update external libraries (Jdbc, Security, Logging etc)[BASE]
SNDEMAIL Job gets failure when trying to send more than 45 attachments with long pathnames.[BASE]
Files in /QSYS.LIB are not recognized correctly under certain circumstances.[BASE]
CLOB columns not correctly recognized and processed[DB]
Spelling "/templates" folder and content/code errors in server templates[BASE]
*SPOOL, *DBEXPORT modules - avoid leading spaces in file names.[BASE]
Error in RCVEMAIL when mail header "Message-Id" has more than 255 characters[BASE]
STREFREORG *ALL Error message SQL0104 (Token invalid)[BASE]
Version: 2.7.59 (2019-02-19)
RCVEMAIL - New setting for handling attachments with umlauts/special characters in file name[EMAIL]
RCVEMAIL - Receive and processing of mails based on defined sender address(es)[EMAIL]
New i‑effect® API interface[BASE]
ADDARCHIVE *ZIP performance improvement[ZIP]
WebControl: Message type now also visible in incoming and outgoing documents[Database]
WRKASCPRF dialog program, error message: "Error when adding/modifying an entry."[BASE]
DB-Source: Error "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended" when Mapping from Oracle DB[DB]
SNDFTP CONFFTPS parameter pata are passed incorrectly to CPP (command proccessing program).[BASE]
*SERVER *IFS *SINGLE, *SCHEDULE error message in job log if no files found for processing.[SERVER]
NPE when reading a X12 or TRADACOMS source[TRADACOMS]
RCFEMAIL unexpected answer *OK¦¦*END from socket.[BASE]
Job hangs because end of file not recognized[FLATPLUS]
Fix originator parameter in STROFTP2 command[OFTP2]
Wrong archivefile in in/outbound document [Database]
Import with file CCSID although specified in mapping others[FLATPLUS]
TAR format does not delete source file[ZIP]
Segment end *AUTO does not recognize changing end character[FLATPLUS]
Version: 2.7.58 (2018-11-23)
Filter virtual file names[OFTP2]
i‑effect® logging in IFS after upgrade[BASE]
Deleting the archived files with the ARCFILE command.[BASE]
Many SQL0104 error messages in QSQSRVR joblogs[BASE]
Date format in %STATUS% server workflow eMail notification corrected.[BASE]
*SERVER %IFSPATH% variable has no leading "/".[BASE]
i‑effect® server subsystem, EFFSERVER job terminates due to errors in SBMJOB command[BASE]
Old ORDERSHT, ORDERSPO example interface files are no longer delivered.[BASE]
WebControl / WRKEFFLOG Logbook Performance Improvement[BASE]
Error when searching for an issuer certificate blocks the following addresses[OFTP2]
No connection from JDBC pool[OFTP2]
"File in use" after inbound Tradacoms mapping[EDIFACT]
"File in use" after inbound X12 mapping[X12]
CPF33D7 Requested number of buffers not returned[ZIP]
Mapper writes "--0" instead of "0"[MAPPER]
Error "SQLException" while running the task "generateKey" or "generateKeyFrom"[DB]
NullPointerException while creating EERP[OFTP2]
CPExxxx und CPF9898 Diagnosemeldung missing in QSQSRVR Job [BASE]
SQL0487, SQL0443 in QSQSRVR job of a WebControl user[WEBCTRL]
Session ends with ERROR despite continueOnError[EDIFACT]
RUNMAP command hangs / servertask job therefore does not end[MAPPER]
By using the RPLSTRIFS i‑effect® command, not all search pattern are replaced.[BASE]
Prevent auto-import of same ssl certificate which already exists in keystore[BASE]
i‑effect® journals are now created with the attribute DLTRCV(*NO).[BASE]
PUBLIC permissions for webcontrol/data/toolkit folder[BASE]
ADDARCFIL, EXTARCFIL commands, FRMCCSID, TOCCSID parameters are transferred incorrectly.commands, FRMCCSID, TOCCSID parameters are transferred incorrectly.[ZIP]
The default paths of i‑effect® stored in the file ./mapper/conf/config.xml are not considered during the reorganization.[BASE]
Ignore database connections with error while starting subsystem[DB]
"File in use" after inbound Edifact mapping[EDIFACT]
Version: 2.7.57 (2018-09-13)
i‑effect® *DATABASE - VARCHAR fields not filled optimally[INSTALLER]
Keep JOBD settings at i‑effect® update/upgrade [INSTALLER]
Fixed SQL Update Task error message formatting[MAPPER]
Using qshell STDOUT in i‑effect® programs[BASE]
MODULE Parameters in ARCFILE command fixed[BASE]
Sender checks hash value in acknowledgment[OFTP2]
Improved error handling in EFFSERVER subsystem[SERVER]
FTP Server, new special values for keystore path[FTP]
*SFTPSRV communication profile, new default for parameter "Create PEM key file"[FTP]
Improved error message for SND processing (*AS2, *HTTP , *EMAIL) when no (=zero) correct profilenumber is assigned in partner entry[EMAIL]
New location for i‑effect® templates[SERVER]
Enable TLS Version 1.1 and 1.2 support[OFTP2]
Logbook messages are no longer filled with blanks[BASE]
Module constants are not found[MAPPER]
Error in binary file detection causes error when storing file to /QSYS.LIB[BASE]
WebControll license check during Grace period is corrected.[BASE]
Incorrect display in english versions of dialog programs WRKEDIABS, WRKEFFDOC, WRKEFFENR and WRKPRTVAR [BASE]
Timestamp postfix in keystore alias is not interpreted correctly and according entry not found[EMAIL]
In WebControl logbook escape message CPF9E72 is displayed during grace period.[MAPPER]
Escape character in EDIFACT data missing after signature process[SIGG]
Only one thread was created if exists[MAPPER]
Reload mapping metadata on susbystem start and mapping file change[MAPPER]
EFFSERVICE Subsystem/Job does not start when no 32 Bit JDK 1.8 is installed[BASE]
Error message CPF2102 occurs during Excel conversion.[BASE]
Re-sending the same file is registered in the same process[OFTP2]
RCVEMAIL with receive from IFS/eml file deletes parent folder after processing[EMAIL]
*MONITOR Job release starts process delayed[SERVER]
Command RCVFTP with FTPS encounters error IllegalStateException[FTP]
Error message when checking self-signed certificates[OFTP2]
Cancel if a LDAP CRL address in the certificate cannot be accessed was corrected[OFTP2]
Fixed error in save/restore of monitor configuration and tracked files[SERVER]
When saving CVTDBF* commands in the i‑effect® server processing a wrong default value is used in the TOSTMF parameter.[SERVER]
Version: 2.7.56 (2018-07-12)
Own job description for IEFFECT user profile[BASE]
Version: 2.7.55 (2018-07-04)
Certificate is no longer sent with signed files and EERPs[OFTP2]
Duplicate JARs removed from OFTP2 directory[OFTP2]
New command OFTP2CRTX to send certificates over OFTP2[OFTP2]
New setting for SSL/TLS Server protocol version in *AS2 and *HTTP module IFS property file[BASE]
Improved error handling for loading *MONITOR configuration[SERVER]
Reduction of the log file when transferring large files[OFTP2]
Long data transfers write regularly to the logbook[OFTP2]
Using multiple certificates in the OFTP2 configuration[OFTP2]
Mapping does not abort anymore if unused table(s) exist in mapping definition[DB]
Use of the Odette Trust Service Status List (TSL)[BASE]
OFTP2 server used as a gateway[OFTP2]
Check of Certificate Revocation List (CRL)[OFTP2]
Automatic certificate exchange[OFTP2]
Faster certificate validation[OFTP2]
New storage location for mapper usertask_*.jar files.[INSTALLER]
Addition of table to the[OFTP2]
Empty elements of a segment are not created[EDIFACT]
Reason in NERP read incorrectly[OFTP2]
HTTPS connections only possible with TLS version 1.0 [BASE]
Mapper does not write all key-value pairs if an error occurs[MAPPER]
NERP created with error[OFTP2]
Greatly reduced number of CPF2103 error messages in QSQSRVR joblog[BASE]
Default message for errors while receiving a file[OFTP2]
Set SFIDCIPH to 00 if Cipher is not used.[OFTP2]
The filename of FTP-extended log file now contains the current date[BASE]
The user is warned if the parameter for the unused file system has been specified[OFTP2]
Number of changed data records is not logged correctly[DB]
Clear error message if alias is not found in keystore[OFTP2]
Improved error message if the SSL trust store is not set[OFTP2]
Warning if profile parameter are set but not beeing used[OFTP2]
Version: 2.7.54 (2018-05-28)
IFS storage CCSID on systems with EDI partner CCSID 65535[BASE]
Downgrade Bouncycastle-Version to 1.55[BASE]
New special value *OFTP2 for defining key or truststore path[OFTP2]
Hexadecimal data bugfix: Help texts and application examples have been added to the RPLSTRIFS command[BASE]
SNDFTP error message: "Can not retrieve CCSID"[FTP]
SNDFTP error handling improvement[FTP]
OFTP2 validation if Odette ID is already in use[OFTP2]
Improved log for archiving the input file[MAPPER]
Format detection locks DB2 file for own processing[ZIP]
Slow ADDARCHIVE processing in IASP[BASE]
The installer tries to assign Java 8 64 bit, although only Java 8 32 bit is available in the system.[BASE]
IASP name is not passed correctly to i‑effect® archive commands[ZIP]
Empty line at the end swallows mapping of FILE-END[CSV]
Changed server key is now automatically accepted (known_hosts)[FTP]
Error when STRGZIP should use the new output name[ZIP]
Improved error message for CRTARCHIVE if the archive exists in QDLS[ZIP]
File registration stops processing[BASE]
When uninstalling i‑effect® with DLTLICPGM not all i‑effect® objects are removed.[BASE]
Version: 2.7.53 (2018-04-12)
The size of the internal log file has been reduced[FLATPLUS]
Large spool files are not packed and unpacked correctly[ZIP]
Certificate is not found when sending and SFID is not SSID[OFTP2]
Version: 2.7.52 (2018-03-23)
New Mapper Task addLineBreak[MAPPER]
Service subsystem cannot be started after installation with the option *Upgrade or *New[BASE]
i‑effect® server variable %ARCFILE% returns wrong file name[BASE]
STREFREORG does not process all *OFTP2 directories[BASE]
Logbook message if processing of inline/attachment MIME part(s) encounters an error[EMAIL]
RPLSTRIFS Processing terminates with error message RNX0100[BASE]
After decryption of a AS2 message, processing fails with NullPointerException[AS2]
RCVEMAIL: No logookmessage/error status for errors in parsing the inline/attachment part of a mail[EMAIL]
*SFTP/*FTP/*FTPS When receiving multiple files, RCVFTP aborts after receiving the first file[BASE]
HTML templates for i‑effect® Server Workflow incorrect[BASE]
i‑effect® paths are overwritten in the MODCFG file with CPF2407 (message file not found)[BASE]
Partner master data, menu item 50, communication data is not displayed under *GRACE License[BASE]
Removed non used JOBQ IEFFECT from all JOBDs[BASE]
Version: 2.7.51 (2018-03-02)
It is now possible to add new namespaces when creating an XML file[XML]
Found definitions are now logged[CSV]
Register all temporary files in VORGANG[OFTP2]
AS2 ID specific configuration for algorithm name notation (RFC3851/RFC5751) in headers of message/MDN [AS2]
Filtering of communication profiles for the respective method[AS2]
New check logic for certificate import[BASE]
Logbook messages added to identify clearly the virtuell/physical filename[OFTP2]
RSTSPLF command, no logbook logging.[SPOOL]
Offline installation does not find software directory[INSTALLER]
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in parallel processing[XML]
Mappertask error "Cursor state not valid." while executing Task 'StartServerTask'[MAPPER]
Receive unsigned, encrypted AS2 message saves empty file[AS2]
Received files or EERPs are not processed in parallel.[OFTP2]
Error during file identification stops further identification and mapping[MAPPER]
Any changes to FTP user leads to loss of assignment to its FTP communication profil[FTP]
Missing log book message JOB_FILEMANAGER_013[MAPPER]
Error in *CRYPT partner master data transfer after upgrading to V2R7M0.0050[BASE]
Automatic archive format detection in EXTARCHIVE aborts with invalid path[ZIP]
Connection aborted if there is no entry in the table DOKUMENT[OFTP2]
i‑effect® coimamnd CPYEFFSTMF overwrite file change attribute[BASE]
Failure processing trough RPLSTRIFS command[BASE]
FTP/s created a connection too often[FTP]
Server blocks partner connection after error[OFTP2]
Reduced message severity from ERROR to DIAG for errors occured while archiving[OFTP2]
DB2 file in *SYSBAS not found with IASP[ZIP]
*SERVER (*SPOOL/*DB2/*IFS) No logbook message if no files were selected for defined data selection[SERVER]
EFFUTIL Subsystem, ARCPDF command, error by retrying the state of autostart job[BASE]
Using variables in default values caused errors[XML]
Sent file will be registered earlier when sent in a controlled mode[OFTP2]
Access to i‑effect® tables no longer possible due an error in *OFTP2 EERP Thread[OFTP2]
Version: 2.7.50 (2018-01-02)
SNDEMAIL with STARTTLS connection encounters error CertPathValidatorException[EMAIL]
While mapping it is not possible to change the current partner if the recipient is different from the partner ID[EDIFACT]
Affects IASP systems only: error by allocation of *SYSBAS libraries[ZIP]
Storage in QSYS.LIB path - Definition of filename (.FILE) does not work[BASE]
Wrong certificate on remote station does not terminate session[OFTP2]
Version: 2.7.49 (2018-01-02)
Autom. detection of IASP if QSYS.LIB is defined for receive path text/attachment[BASE]
Send from IASP does not find file[OFTP2]
IFS archiv files were flagged with wrong CCSID.[AS2]
CVTARCHIVE does not create archive in DB2[ZIP]
Segments in output file are created in wrong order[FLATPLUS]
Version: 2.7.47 (2017-11-14)
Send single file notices EERP at different connection[OFTP2]
FTP, OFTP and Telebox recipient partner profile not loaded[BASE]
Subsystem Job(s) aborts while start with "java/sql/Connection.isValid(I)Z" error[BASE]
Version: 2.7.46 (2017-10-23)
MRGFILEPDF function expansion[ZUGFERD]
Installation clenup improvement.[BASE]
Subsequent status change of sessions[WEBCTRL]
i‑effect® ISO revised[INSTALLER]
Profiles - * Use NO as the default value for SSL[BASE]
New page names[BASE]
New command EXPDB2IFS for export of DB2 interface data.[SERVER]
i‑effect® SND* command - validity check for 'Recipient' and 'ProfilNr' parameters.[BASE]
New export/import function for mappings and local db2[BASE]
*IMAP protocol setting in *EMAIL programm moduls data (MODCFG) not working[EMAIL]
Reason of SFNA is not displayed[OFTP2]
SFTP does not create known_hosts[FTP]
Wrong values in the index columns orgiginator and recipient when sending as2 mdn[AS2]
Rejected files are send multiple times[OFTP2]
Wrong default values in the time columns effsrvmain table.[Database]
*SERVER, *SPOOL/*MONITOR data selection, error by processing of user defined generic data. [SERVER]
Product restore from backup with RSTLICPGM failure[INSTALLER]
System task addFileProcessKeywordValue overwrites previous value[MAPPER]
Servertask * SCHEDULE: Incorrect default value for "Wait in minutes"[SERVER]
Authorities for /i-effect and /i-effect/v2r7m0 IFS folders fixed.[INSTALLER]
Start parameters for train commands in the command parser[BASE]
Duplicate filter values in monitoring / partner[BASE]
Big logfile in /i-effect/V2R7M0/internal/jhjjmmtt-crypt.log[CRYPT]
i‑effect® spawns QGYSERVER Job with MCH3402/3601 error messages[BASE]
Offline installation only selectable if started from offline media[INSTALLER]
Remove Easycom hint[INSTALLER]
Underscore character in SNDHTTP URL causes an error[HTTP]
New CSV directory samples in /mapper/csv/definitions[CSV]
Missing value for number of entries[BASE]
Content of /mapper/conf/task.ini revised.[MAPPER]
File removed[MAPPER]
Wrong content in /mapper/conf/alias.xml has ben corrected[MAPPER]
Removed invalid entries in the "mapper/edifact/module_edifact.xml" file.[EDIFACT]
SQL error messages when a table is empty[BASE]
Tables update for certificates and mappings[BASE]
Selection of communication profiles in partner master data[BASE]
Default value for AS2 identification (AS2-FROM)[BASE]
Wrong content in /mapper/conf/index_configuration[MAPPER]
Special values for SMTP addresses[BASE]
Default mapper archive / error directories are not recognized when reorganizing with the STREFREORG.[BASE]
Signature detection with multiple encoding[CRYPT]
Added help messages (ASSIGNPRT() in RCVEMAIL)[EMAIL]
Rules based forwarding (PRCFWD) process register and loigging improvement.[BASE]
Version: 2.7.45 (2017-07-27)
New directory for user-specific settings and libraries in /home/ieffect / (.userlib)[BASE]
Standard keystore für *OFTP2[OFTP2]
New i‑effect® environment variable[BASE]
Zendserver version query in the i‑effect® installer[INSTALLER]
New task convertTimestamp[MAPGUI]
New module *ZUGFeRD[ZUGFERD]
Send a file in a controlled manner[OFTP2]
Standard keystops from CRYPT[OFTP2]
Bugfixes for IASP installation[IASP]
Protecle is not longer included[CRYPT]
Format *ISO for timestamp[MAPPER]
If *DEMO is expired, the status *DEMOEND is displayed[BASE]
Mapper standard paths without version specification of i‑effect® installation[MAPPER]
EERP's could not be sent completly when several files were received[OFTP2]
CVTARCHIVE inaccurate error message for missing parameters[ZIP]
Datei on IASP can not be found[OFTP2]
OFTP modul configuration greenscreen panel adapted[OFTP2]
NullPointerException when using UNH release number less than 3[EDIFACT]
New license terms [BASE]
Improved OFTP2 error reporting for non-existing profiles[OFTP2]
The JAVA message ID is no longer in the logbook[BASE]
Blocking job in the log[ZIP]
Profile ID Parameter Description incomprehensible[OFTP]
Incorrect error message when using CVTARCHIVE[ZIP]
Table PRTEDI has too long field lengths[EDIFACT]
DLTARCHIVE * ALL does not delete files from archive[ZIP]
Wrong error message with DLTARCHIVE[ZIP]
Incorrect parameter dependencies[OFTP2]
Final paths in the file exchange protocol[OFTP2]
Received path DEFAULT incorrect in partner master data[OFTP2]
RUNMAP does not allow * als DEFAULT[MAPPER]
E-Mail templates are incorrect[SERVER]
Name of the output and archiv file of a RUNMAP is not visible in the logbook[MAPPER]
New server variable: %SQL_LOOKUP:sqlQuery% in *SERVER[BASE]
Update to new BouncyCastle version 1.56[CRYPT]
Sample mappings can now be found in /home/ieffect/mappings/sample[BASE]
Only OFTP2 certificates in the OFTP2 certificate view[OFTP2]

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